Floral Geometry Unit Week 4 Peer Review

1)  Are there clear connections between visual research (drawing and sketchbook work) and ideas development? 
  • Very clear  connections between primary drawings and research
  • Lots of mixed media experimentation
  • Good flow of summer work into development
2)  Within design development is there evidence of material sampling? How is this documented?
  • Lots of material samples including paper samples.
  • Try other backgrounds for prints (select objects out of photos) e.g. sublimations of drawings and not use the whole photo; collage image before placing it onto material.
  • Love puff binder; stitch into it
  • Experiment with composition
3)  Has a colour palette been established? if so how well has this been translated in the work produced so far?
  • No colour palette but a lot of experimentation with colour
  • Find out what dominant colours are working best (pink and yellow) then refine down
  • Puff binder has worked with light colours; switch it up and experiment with a completely different 'light' colour scene
4)  Is there evidence of risk taking and experimentation in response to the brief? If so how?
  • Lots of experimentation, varied media and embroidery.
  • Collage photos that are stitched work better than a flat image (also very geometric)
5)  Is there clear evidence of contextual research? can you identify the students intended audience and location for work?
  • Can see the link between styles.
  • Collect images of examples of where you would like to see your work (context-cushions/installations)
6)  What positive recommendations can you offer to improve the work so far? 
  • Scan in geometric collages to use for samples (repeat print?)
  • Use simpler techniques for/over backgrounds - include a lot more illustrations within prints
  • Embroider into puff binder
  • Stitch into the origami-maybe place origami onto samples
  • Use starch to hold and stiffen up material samples... to then use for origami pieces (paper like feel)


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