Artist Inspiration

Wallace & Sewell

Wallace & Sewell inspire me because they are a commercial weavers which is the direction I would like my weaves to go in. I like the strong checkered lines they use which work well with their selected colours.

Margo Selby

Margo Selby is interesting to me because I love that it is commercial and how they use the metallic/shiny material for circles etc. It looks like if you was to touch it, it would have a bumpy texture but also very soft which would be my aim for my weaves.

Susan McGehee

I chose Susan McGehee as slight inspiration to my work because of the metallic strips she has going through her weaves. It's more subtle in some prices more than others but I like the contrast of them together are feel they work well as a collection.

Marla Mallett

Marla Mallett's work is inspiration due to the tassels coming out of the weaves; I like how it is repetitive and forms an overall interesting look.

Jan Paul

Jan Paul's work links very well with my theme of focused and unfocused; especially the unfocused side because the wool gives of an extremely blurry effect.
Melin Tregwynt

Melin Tregwynt's throws, like Jan Paul's give of a blurry effect and fit nicely with the more clearer cushions although the patterns can give off an unfocused view.

Patricia Urquiola

The shapes and textures are what I like about Patricia Urquiola's work. The shapes in some of my weaves are similar so I would like to expand on them.


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